Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Journal Entry While in Nicaragua

Special NEEDS Orphanage
We went to orphanage for special needs kids. As we walked in, I see this little boy with downs syndrom holding onto the bars in the door he was looking thru. (like a jail cell). Another looking out the bars in the window. Words can't describe the hopelessness in their eyes & the sickness I felt in my stomach. We asked the worker if she would unlock the door so we could hold them. She couldn't get the door open. 
I was physically getting sick. I sat down, Dawn the photographer sat down beside me I was weeping. This could be me or my kids. Dawn & I were both like We can't do this. Then we both agreed we had to. We tried to capture what we
saw in photos, but just couldn't. This was IN HUMANE! The way these kids were treated.
We walked down the hall & she got the door open to a room with 9 cribs in it. One of the girls mouth & legs were really deformed. Susan began talking to her...she began smiling as Susan rubbed her arm she began laughing. Several of the team began doing the same thing to other kids. The room that was filled with no was a room with laughter. Started by one voice & a few words.
I can't get this off my mind. I wake up in the night thinking of these kids. Praying & asking God how can I help?
Lord show us how to be THE VOICE FOR THESE KIDS....

Monday, February 6, 2012


Alrighty Ladies!!  It's time for Pure Joy Branson, and we want you there!  No registration just come as you are and bring lots of friends with you.  Prepare for a night of Pure Joy!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

about pure joy!

Hello my name is Sandy Jacobson and I want to share how PURE JOY started. In 2006 my husband and I faced the toughest challenge in our lives. Our whole world changed, it was a very dark time. Sounds Joyful huh. The Lord started waking me up in the night with all these things about Pure Joy: songs, skits & videos. How many of you know God has a sense of humor? I am not a singer or someone who is into theater or artsy stuff. I am a cowgirl who loves to be outside. So I am asking God what is all this about. HE replied, "Just keep writing things down in time and it will make sense". One day I was walking with my prayer partner and chatting and she says, "Wouldn't it be cool to have PJ party @ church with all the ladies older & younger?" I was like, yes and I know what PJ stands for...Penny says, "Duh... pajamas." No PURE JOY! I began to share about what the Lord was showing me. As I'm writing this I'm realizing how crazy it all sounds. We prayed about it and decided to present the idea to our church staff. At our meeting they really didn't tell us no but they didn't have the same vision we were feeling. As we came out Penny and I both agreed we had to do it even though it wasn't going to go through our church. Little did we know what God was up to. We wanted it to be non-denominational & full of fun and laughter. So many women think Christians can't have fun. We knew we needed a team, so we prayed for 2 days and came together with our lists of 12 people. Guess what? Yes exactly the same 12 people. Some of the ladies we didn't even know. We called and asked them to meet us. They all came and we began to tell the vision the Lord gave us. I wish I would have had a picture of their faces. Priceless. They were all in. Creative juices began to flow. It was amazing how each gal was a piece of HIS puzzle to carry out things. I felt like the Lord had given me a date but it was only 6 weeks away. One of girls suggested we contact the High School to see if they would rent to us. Guess what the only date they had on Saturday, May 5th? Yes HIS date He had given to us. With no money, no experience, no qualifications just a team that believed in fasting and prayer and God was who HE says HE is. Things began to fall into place, God equips those HE calls. I want to say don't let anyone or anything cheat you of fulfilling the dreams in your heart. If He can use 2 girls in pjs He will use you. The day of the event I remember talking to Penny, "I hope at least 50 people come". I had a much bigger vision, but thought what if no one comes? That night as we are standing in back waiting to take our turn jumping on mini tramp to get on stage. We looked at a full auditorium of around 500 women and both began crying and thanking God for the MIGHTY SAVIOR HE IS and all those who were crazy enough to believe with us. It was a night full of laughter till we cried, relating to each other that we are not alone whatever we are going through (testimonies) and amazing worship. I will never forget singing Amazing Grace and the power of unity as sisters in Christ!! To God be all the Glory.